I have seen you grow so much in this last year. You have gone from a pre-schooler scribbling all over a page to drawing pictures of your family and writing simple sentences letting us know that we are loved by you. You have gone from asking how to spell certain words to learning how to spell them without any help. You have gone from "reading" words on flashcards to reading library books that you pick out on your own. You continue to grow in your love of babies...it makes my heart happy that you desire to be a mom...to "just one baby."
I love how you sit in my room in the mornings to watch me get ready for the day. You often tell me that you are watching me so you can learn how to be a mommy. The first time that you said that it made me panic. I panicked because I know as much as I seek the Lord to lead and guide me to be the kind of mom He desires me to be, there are still days that my flesh takes over and you see the farthest thing from a mom living and loving like Jesus. But then I realized that in those moments, you get see a mom who confesses when she has done wrong and a mom who seeks forgiveness when she has allowed her fleshly desires to take control.
I continue to love how you are a cuddle bug when you wake up in the morning or after a nap. There is nothing like having a sleep eyed little one crawl up beside you as they fully wake up. I love watching you stretch. I have heard Daddy say that you remind him of me when you do that. :)
I love how you are growing in your own fashion style. There are times that I try to lead and guide you...OK, I try to pick out your outfit...and you just want to find the right top and bottom yourself. And I especially love the times when you get dressed and ask, "Do I look like a mommy?"
I think the biggest thing that happened over the last year is you starting your faith journey. One morning you sat on our bed and said you wanted to give your life to Jesus. So, Daddy and I spent some time talking to you about this decision. Over the last year, I have seen you grow in worshiping Him through singing and dancing. My heart overflows every time I hear you bust out singing a worship song. My heart is full when you come home from AWANA to share what you have learned and the badge you earned for completing your Bible lesson and memory verse.
I look forward to seeing how you are going to grow this coming year. But on this day, I want to celebrate you...the wonderful you that God has entrusted us with! Happy Birthday, Kyrie Eleison! We love you more than words could ever say, but know that He loves you even more!
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Newborn in the hospital to 5 year old full of life |
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