Monday, June 9, 2014

The war has been won

Well, I think it is safe to say that you are FINALLY potty trained!!  This has been such a LONG process, but we have persevered and stayed consistent.  When we went on trip at the end of April and you stayed dry the whole time we were gone.  The craziest thing is you started asking to go potty, too. It was a little difficult being in the van and you asking to go, but we definitely took advantage of your requests and would stop.  When we got back, you had a few accidents and stopped asking to go potty.  Then one day, we decided to put you in panties and made such a big deal about it...which you loved...that I think you were convinced that you just needed to stay dry and to tell us when you needed to go.  So besides the one random day you had an accident, you haven't had any accidents for over a month.  You are even staying dry at night.  You even go into the bathroom all by yourself and do your own thing. It is really cute watching you maneuver the stool and the potty seat, but you are determined to do it all by yourself! :) 

So needless to say, we are very proud of this accomplishment.  We all have worked really hard to get you to this point.  Keep up the great work, Ky!!