Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday!

Well, it is hard to believe that you are year old.  The last 12 months have gone by super fast!! It is hard to imagine what our family was like before you. 

Your first birthday wasn't quite what Mommy had planned it to be, but it turned out just like it was supposed to be.  You and Sophie were both sick, so we decided to cancel your party because we didn't want anyone else to get your germs.  So, we had a nice family day at home with Mimi, Bup-Bup, John and Jen.  We ate grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and had a birthday cake.  You REALLY liked the are the only Greenwood child that actually got all messy.  That night we went out to dinner at Red Robin and you enjoyed your mac and cheese. 

We love you very much, Kyrie Eleison, and are so thankful that God chose you to be a part of our family!!

Enjoy some pictures from Kyrie's photo-shoot: 

LOVE this smile!

Those eyes...they get me every time!

She does this special thing with her finger...she wants us to touch her finger with our finger

Love her birthday outfit

Growing up way to fast...pulling herself up

Happy Birthday, Kyrie!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

9 months

Well, you have been with us as long as you were in the womb.  The last few months since I did your 6 month entry has gone by so fast.  You continue to grow and learn more and more each day.  You are sitting up so much better.  Every once in awhile, you will fall backwards, but it is because you are so excited that you throw yourself back.  We keep some pillows behind you...just in case. Laughing  You are really moving around on your can pretty much scoots wherever you want.  The other day, you got yourself under Sophie's bed!!!  You are pulling your knees up under you, and you can straighten your arms just haven't figured out how to do them at the same time.  Once you do, it won't be long before you take off crawling!  You continue to be a SUPER good eater. We are still AMAZED at how you are eating things from the table...still doing baby food, but you are so over the Stage 2 baby food!!!  You only have your two bottom teeth, but you know how to use them! Laughing  You continue to be a super happy and easy just go with the flow.  Really the only time you fuss is when you are hungry.  You have started drinking from a sippy cup...bye-bye to the bottle...once a day.  The rest of the time is with Mommy.  You really like to laugh and have already figured out that when you do something funny, we laugh at you.  Usually, you like it when we laugh, so you do your trick again..and again...and again!!! Laughing  You have started sleeping through the night...usually from 7pm to 6am.  Every once in awhile, you may have an off night, but nothing too crazy.  You are still taking 2 naps a day.  We have continued watching your reading get so happy when we put them on.  At the end of the video they have some word games, and you have begun tracking your eyes to the word that is called.  We think you will be reading early just like your brother and sister. You LOVE your bath have really figured out how to use your legs and kick water all over Daddy!  Maybe I should give him a rag and some cleaner and the two of you can clean the bathroom while you are at it!  We are looking into signing you up for a swim class...I think you will have LOTS of fun.

 Well, that is it for now.  Can't believe how quickly these 9 months have gone by.  Know that we LOVE you so much and thank God everyday for choosing us to be your parents. 

9 months

She melts my heart

Those eyes get me EVERY time

Monday, May 7, 2012

Half a year

Well, I can't believe half-year has come and gone.  It seems like so long ago that we were heading to the hospital to have you turned to find out that you didn't move your tiny little foot and we were headed to the OR for a c-section.  Seriously, where has the time gone?

You have definitely found your place in our family and in our hearts.  You are so laid back and just go with the flow.  Your smile and laugh are so contagious.  You have a brother and sister who truly adore you.  It is so sweet when they bring you a toy, but I think my favorite is when they  get on their belly to lay down beside play with you or just talk with you...and sometimes your brother will sneak a kiss or two on your forehead. :)

You are really getting into a nice routine.  You still nurse quite a bit and are eating 3 meals of baby food a day.  We went to your 6 month check up and the doctor said to cut back on the baby food and try to nurse more.  So we decided to cut out lunch and just nurse.  After 3 days of you not sleeping very well...taking a short nap in the afternoon and getting up 2 to 3 times a night, we decided to put lunch back into your routine.  You are back to napping for 2 to 3 hours in the afternoon and only getting up once at night.  Usually, Mommy and Daddy follow doctor's orders, but not this time...we all need our sleep! :)

 You are doing really well with your readying get big smiles on your face and screech when the video is on.  I think you really like them! :)  You are working on sitting up without can do a few seconds before you get so excited that you tip yourself over.  You love to stand on my lap and make yourself jump/bounce.  You have started enjoying your toys and your favorite ones right now are your blue ball and your froggy chime.

 Well, I guess that is all for of these days I will get around to taking your 6 month pictures...hopefully sooner than later. :)  Know that you are loved very much, Kyrie Eleison!  

Here are some of my favorite photos from our photo-shoot of Kyrie: 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

3 months

Well, I can't believe that you are already three months...can you please stop growing?  Frown We can't imagine what our family would be like without you...God knew exactly what He was doing when He made you a part of our family...for that we are truly thankful.

What has been going on with you lately?  Well, let's have gotten your third cold. We are so thankful that when you go to the doctor that everything is fine...we know some friends whose baby had to go to the hospital for their cold because it got into his for the good reports we are truly thankful!  You are getting stronger and are pulling yourself up when we hold onto your hands.  Mommy has gone to get you out of your crib a few times to find you at the bottom of the crib.  We have put you in your orange chair and you are doing a great job sitting got great neck control.  We started you on the "Your Baby Can Read" videos and you are doing a great job tracking the words...I have a feeling you are going to be just as smart as your brother and sister.  You are smiling a lot more at all of us...especially your brother and sister.  Today, you actually laughed when Mommy was tickling was the sweetest little laugh.  You are doing a great job actually put yourself to sleep is such a great thing!  We get anywhere from 4 to 7 hours of sleep at night...Mommy and Daddy are a big fan when you give us the 7 hour stretch, but you are still doing a great job!

 I guess that is all...know that we love you very much and are so thankful that God chose us to be your parents! 

3 months

Look at those blue eyes