Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Things that I am thankful for:

Daniel Tiger; Nana, my sleeping friend; all the babies I got at my birthday party; for friends; TV shows; Tobias; Lin-Lin playing babies with me; Ms Paula's baby, Baby Joseph; cars; books to read; Pa T and Lin-Lin and their home; Josiah; Sophie; the Bible; Mommy and Daddy

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Our Little Tiger Photo Shoot

We finally got some nice weather and free time to take Kyrie's 3-year-old pictures.  It was a beautiful day by the lake in Walnut Creek.  Someone was excited to wear her Daniel Tiger dress...AGAIN!  So enjoy these few photos of our little tiger.

Love that smile!

The many faces of Kyrie

That fussy face

She melts my heart

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Our Little Tiger is 3!

Our little tiger is officially three!!  I can't believe that three years have gone by since we welcomed our third child into the world!  We have truly been blessed to have her in our family.  She brings so much laughter into our lives.  She definitely keeps us on our toes...we never know what she may do or say.  Often times it comes out when we are disciplining her which requires A LOT of strength not to laugh at her.  Many times we keep a straight face, but there are times when the laughter rolls out of us.  The world needs people like Kyrie.  She will be the one to keep things changing...will encourage people to be think out of the box...she will bring laughter to "tense" situations.    She also has the personality of doing things in her own time.  I must admit, I often get frustrated repeating the same expectations day in and day out.  But when she decides in her own time that the expectation is worth following, there is no turning back.  Some might be worried about this personality trait, but I find comfort in knowing that when she gives her life to Jesus, then there will be NO ONE who will change her mind and she will be COMPLETELY sold out to is just praying her to that point of giving her life to Jesus.  She continues to be very maternal...she LOVES her some babies...doll or human does not matter. She is the one that wants to help in the kitchen, help with chores...she just wants to help.  I love this characteristic about her and know that the Lord will continue to grow this in her and use it for His glory. 

Kyrie has been doing so well in school this year.   She has started writing her name; is coloring in the lines; is reading simple, repetitive books. I am so proud of all that she is able to do and often times, she is keeping up with her sister and brother in our school routine.  I often times forget that she was just two when we started school this year!  She will be starting AWANA in a couple of weeks.  She went to watch Josiah and Sophie do their group time a couple of weeks ago and REALLY wanted to stay for the class time.  The club director said that she could start coming since she was turning three, so I think we are going to give it a try and see how she does. 

We had a little get-together on her birthday at the Chick-fil-a  in town.  It was nice to celebrate Kyrie with some old/new friends and family.  Here are a few pictures from her party.  I hope to go take her three-year-old pictures sometime next week...we have had some sick Hootie Hoos, so we just didn't have time to go take them.  And let's be with a boogie nose...well, I don't think she would want to look back and know that I had a picture like that hanging on our family picture wall! 

Tiger Tails for our party favors

A special birthday breakfast

Daniel Tiger birthday banner

Birthday cinnamon rolls...this has become a family tradition

Breakfast of champions..cinnamon roll, eggs, sausage and fruit

Coloring at her birthday party at Chick-fil-a

Getting some help from Daddy

Singing "Happy Birthday!"

Blowing out her candles

She got them all

Auntie Coco helping Kyrie open her presents

Getting some birthday love from Auntie Coco

Getting some birthday love from Diana

Getting some birthday love from Maddie