Monday, May 7, 2012

Half a year

Well, I can't believe half-year has come and gone.  It seems like so long ago that we were heading to the hospital to have you turned to find out that you didn't move your tiny little foot and we were headed to the OR for a c-section.  Seriously, where has the time gone?

You have definitely found your place in our family and in our hearts.  You are so laid back and just go with the flow.  Your smile and laugh are so contagious.  You have a brother and sister who truly adore you.  It is so sweet when they bring you a toy, but I think my favorite is when they  get on their belly to lay down beside play with you or just talk with you...and sometimes your brother will sneak a kiss or two on your forehead. :)

You are really getting into a nice routine.  You still nurse quite a bit and are eating 3 meals of baby food a day.  We went to your 6 month check up and the doctor said to cut back on the baby food and try to nurse more.  So we decided to cut out lunch and just nurse.  After 3 days of you not sleeping very well...taking a short nap in the afternoon and getting up 2 to 3 times a night, we decided to put lunch back into your routine.  You are back to napping for 2 to 3 hours in the afternoon and only getting up once at night.  Usually, Mommy and Daddy follow doctor's orders, but not this time...we all need our sleep! :)

 You are doing really well with your readying get big smiles on your face and screech when the video is on.  I think you really like them! :)  You are working on sitting up without can do a few seconds before you get so excited that you tip yourself over.  You love to stand on my lap and make yourself jump/bounce.  You have started enjoying your toys and your favorite ones right now are your blue ball and your froggy chime.

 Well, I guess that is all for of these days I will get around to taking your 6 month pictures...hopefully sooner than later. :)  Know that you are loved very much, Kyrie Eleison!  

Here are some of my favorite photos from our photo-shoot of Kyrie: